function IsNumeric(sText)
var ValidChars = ‘0123456789.’;
var IsNumber=true;
var Char;
for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++)
Char = sText.charAt(i);
if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1)
IsNumber = false;
return IsNumber;
function GM5CheckFormFields(button)
var frm = button.form;
if (! frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDName.value) { alert('Name is a required field.'); frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDName.focus(); return false;}
if (! frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDCityState.value) { alert('CityState is a required field.'); frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDCityState.focus(); return false;}
if (! frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDPhoneNumber.value) { alert('PhoneNumber is a required field.'); frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDPhoneNumber.focus(); return false;}
if (! frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDEmail.value) { alert('Email is a required field.'); frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDEmail.focus(); return false;}
if (! frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDDescription.value) { alert('Description is a required field.'); frm.GM5GENERATEDGM5GENERATEDDescription.focus(); return false;}
return true;

Please fill out the form below.

*Required fields.

*Phone Number(s):
*Email Address:
FBA Member or Connected to FBA Member (Y/N):
*Description of Request: (500 character max.)  

Entering text in this field will keep the form from being submitted: